Ar aghaidh le chéile.

Digital School of Distinction

Digital Schools of Distinction is a flagship programme which aims to promote, recognise and encourage excellence in the use of technology in primary school. The award is accredited by the Department of Education and Skills. 

St Olaf’s are very proud to be named one of Dublin’s Digital Schools of Distinction. 

There is a very strong ICT presence in the school with over 70 ipads and 25 laptops available to students.

Each classroom is fitted with an interactive whiteboard and the wifi broadband was updated in the summer of 2021. 

The school website/blog is current and displays the work of the pupils.

The school has a twitter account and tweet about all school activities.

The school is involved in projects outside the school such as the Young Entrepreneur Award, Green Flag and Amber Flag and all of these involve ICT. There are a wide range of projects on display in the school and the pupils are proud of their achievements and are very motivated and supported by ICT in their learning. The teachers share resources using Office365 and Microsoft teams. The twitter account keeps the website current but there are many other examples of pupil’s work such as photos of trips, sport achievements etc. 

We are lucky here in this school to have such a dynamic, flexible and forward thinking Board of Management, parent body and staff. Everyone has embraced the implementation of ICT in the school. Most of all we are so fortunate to have such fantastic pupils attend our school. The facilities we provide for these wonderful young people are preparing them for the digital world and knowledge based society in which they will one day work 

Here are some examples of what we use ipads and the interactive whiteboard for: 

Senior Room: 
– Khan Academy, Microsoft Teams and maths games (Maths) 
– Type our stories/poems for publication (English) 
– Research and presentation of projects using Apple T.V. (History, Geography, Science) 
– Watching historical or scientific videos 

Middle Room: 
– Maths games 
– Handwriting apps 
– Spelling apps 
– Book reviews 
– Research 
– Watching historical or scientific videos 
– Music 
– Exercise tutorials 

Junior Room:
– Letter formation 
– Maths games 
– Music/ song singing 
– Watching historical or scientific videos 
– Online books 
– Art images 
– Displaying pages of workbooks 

Contact the office

Phone: 01 295 6513


Office opening times:
08.30-14.30 Monday to Friday